• Accelerated and Enrichment (formerly GATE)

    District 33 recognizes the unique academic and social/emotional needs of high-ability learners and Gifted and Talented students. In doing so, the district delivers a continuum of learning opportunities that extends beyond grade-level standards and expectations to students who require such due to their unique learning needs.

  • Vision Statement

    District 33 students thrive in learning environments tailored to their needs.  Using enrichment, acceleration, or a combination of the two, appropriate academic rigor is provided to high-ability students and students identified as gifted and talented in their area(s) of strength.  Teachers use a variety of assessments and strategies, which become a body of evidence designed to discover and provide for children in need of advanced opportunities to develop their full potential. These efforts are ongoing and begin upon enrollment in District 33.  Identification tools are intended to align with areas of giftedness, particularly in English Language Arts (ELA) and mathematics. The identification process is unbiased and inclusive of subgroups of students who comprise various building and district demographics. Therefore, students exhibiting above-average ability and/or giftedness receive tailored services.

    The district supports opportunities that include replacement curriculum, increased pacing, additional resources, and opportunities not typically found in a grade-level set of learning experiences in order for students to fully realize their potential.  As a result, children experience academic challenges beyond grade-level expectations and standards, pursuant to their need(s). While learning with their academic peers, students use advanced technology and curricula and are guided by highly qualified teachers in gifted, content area, and differentiation strategies.

    Students are highly engaged in this tailored environment; they use study, research, critical thinking, collaboration, and communication skills.  This skill set supports their successful transition to more advanced educational settings in high school, post-secondary endeavors, and eventually, chosen careers and adult learning.

GATE Guidebook (English)

GATE Guidebook (Spanish)

  • G.A.T.E Parent Advisory Committee

    This committee is composed of District 33 parents, a lead A&E teacher, A&E specialists, and the Director of Assessment and Accountability, who meet throughout the year to discuss program developments, provide input and feedback about the A&E program, and learn from guest speakers and presenters in the field of gifted and talented education.