- West Chicago Elementary School District 33
- Emergency Learning Days
Emergency Learning Day Plans
District 33 schools occasionally close during extreme summer and winter weather. Late-night snow or ice storms are the most likely reasons for school closing; however, power outages, high summer temperatures, or heating system failure may also be factors. The administration will attempt to determine and communicate school closings by the evening before the affected day.
An Emergency Learning Day may be announced if the district administration can anticipate an emergency that would close schools. If the district cannot predict an emergency early enough, a school cancelation will be announced, and there will be no instruction via Emergency Learning.
What factors are considered when determining an Emergency Learning Day versus School Cancelation?
The following factors are taken into consideration as to whether or not to call an Emergency Learning Day or to cancel school:An Emergency Learning Day will occur if:
- The district administration can anticipate a weather or related emergency the day before.
- The district has enough time to prepare and send work packets home with students.
- Type of emergency and length of the school closure.
School Cancelation will occur if:
- The district administration cannot anticipate a weather or related emergency the day before.
- The district has not been able to send work packets home with students.
What is an Emergency Learning Day?
Emergency Learning Days occur when in-person learning is not possible. On this day, students will complete the work packets that were sent home before the day of the school closure. Teachers will be available via email and Parent Square to answer questions but will not provide direct instruction via Google Meets.Will the School Year Be Extended Due to an Emergency Learning Day or School Cancelation?
Emergency Learning Days are instructional days and do not require districts to extend the school calendar later into the summer. Districts may utilize up to five (5) Emergency Learning Days a year.School Cancelation days are non-instructional days and will extend the school calendar into the summer. Districts can extend their summer for up to five (5) days due to school cancelations.
Pre-K Learning Day:
Pre-K learning day will not be required for students. However, PreK parents can find a monthly activity board on our website https://www.wego33.org/ELC with ideas to engage their students in learning on an emergency day.
The following tabs display the responsibilities of staff, students, and parents in the event of an emergency learning day:
- Check Parent Square for messages from teachers
- Ensure your child completes the assigned work
- Send questions to teachers through Parent Square or email.
- Sign the Emergency Learning Evidence of Completion form when the student has completed the assigned work, and return it to your child’s teacher. This form will be used as evidence of your child’s attendance.
- Teachers will document completed work in their grade book.
- Complete assigned work (follow the schedule that contains up to 5 hours of work) to receive credit for the school day.
- Have parents sign off on the Emergency Learning Evidence of Completion form as proof of work completed and attendance.
- After the work packet is completed, additional work can be done on ST Math, Freckle, or IXL.
- Do some form of exercise throughout the day.
- Classroom teachers send home printed materials with students
- Classroom teachers will send instructions through Parent Square or Google Classroom (middle school only) to communicate with families that students must complete their work packets.
- Teachers will monitor Parent Square and email.
- Teachers will review the signed Emergency Learning Evidence of Completion form and will mark the student as "present" in eSchool.
- Teachers will document evidence of completion grades for math and literacy in the grade book.