- West Chicago Elementary School District 33
- Get Involved, D33!
Get Involved, D33!
A New Initiative for Engaging Parents and Guardians
District 33 values the partnership of parents, guardians, and family members in supporting student success and making decisions about their education.
While there are many opportunities for parents and guardians to be involved in their child(ren)’s education and to share their talent, vision, and voice at their child’s school and in the District, we understand from parent feedback that many of these opportunities are unknown.So, this year, we are implementing a new initiative called Get Involved, D33!, that will give parents, guardians, and families a streamlined document with various opportunities to engage in their child’s education that fits their personal goals and preferences.
Below is a list of opportunities to get involved and share your talent, vision, and voice at your child’s school and in the District. We encourage parents to participate in/attend at least three of these opportunities/events throughout the 2023/2024 school year.
At the end of each trimester, a name will be randomly selected from the following three categories: Early Childhood Education, Elementary Schools, and Middle School. Each raffle winner will be given a prize. Parents must "Check In" at each event in order to be included in the raffle.
PARENT Leadership
D33 values your time and opinion. Here are opportunities to participate in District decision-making.
See our current D33 Parent Leadership Opportunities
Opportunities include councils, groups, and committees, such as:
- Bilingual Parent Advisory Council (BPAC)
- Black Talented and Gifted Group (BTAGG)
- Citizens Advisory Council
- Gifted and Talented (GATE) Parent Advisory
- Wellness Committee
- Parent Teacher Organization (PTO)
- PTO Council
- Technology Steering Committee
- School-Based Committees
ADULT Education
Classes for adults to further their education, hosted by community partners that are experts in the field.
See our current list of Adult Education Opportunities
- Adult English as Second Language Classes - hosted by Literacy DuPage and College of DuPage
- Adult Financial Literacy Classes - hosted by H.O.M.E. DuPage
- Parent and Community Art Classes - hosted by Chicago Arts Partnerships in Education (CAPE)
PARENT Seminar Series
Join other parents and family members to learn about issues facing today's youth. Sessions hosted by experts on parenting and child development topics.
- English Speaking Parenting Seminar Series - 3X a year
- Spanish Speaking Parenting Seminar- 3X a year
- Substance Use Awareness and Prevention Presentation
- Mental Health and Wellness Presentations
- Other topics as needed
VOLUNTEER Opportunities
- PTO hosted events
- Field Trips
- School-based opportunities
FAMILY Engagement
See our current list of Family Engagement Opportunities
- Curriculum Nights
- Parent Cafes
- Parenting Workshops hosted by D33 Family Liaisons
- Family Wellness Nights hosted Healthy West Chicago
- Parent Teacher Conferences
- “Understanding your child’s report card night” - District-wide parent information sessions
- School-based engagement events including:
- Literacy & Math family nights, Birth to Three Program Parent Groups, Preschool Parent Child Days, Academic Parent Teacher Teams (APTT), Art Nights, and PTO sponsored events
- CAPE Monthly Family Film Series
- Bilingual Parent Advisory Council Events
- Black Talented and Gifted Group BTAGG Events
- GATE Events
- New to the country family events
- Special Education Parent Events