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New Turner Principal

Morgan Efrom
Turner Elementary School, Principal 2024-2025

Morgan started her career in education at Chicago Public Schools where she taught 2nd Grade
and Kindergarten. In 2019, she joined District 33 as a 1st Grade teacher at Indian Knoll
Elementary School. During this time, she experienced firsthand the substantial impact
supportive administration truly had. As a result, Morgan decided to pursue a Master’s Degree in
Leadership in Educational Administration. After graduating in 2021, she took on the role of
Interim Assistant Principal, serving both PreK and Turner. Morgan remained at Turner, and has
served as the Turner Assistant Principal beginning with the 22-23 school year.

Morgan lives with her husband Jeremy, and they are the proud parents of their daughter Reese,
who just turned one this March. Morgan would like to thank District 33 and the Board of
Education for the opportunity to lead and achieve alongside such a special and talented group
of people.